Friday, 10 June 2011

Minutes of Residents Meeting - 2nd June 2011

Minutes of second Dromroe Residents meeting

Date:              2nd June, 2011

Present:          Committee members: Skip(Darren Beckett), Martina Higgins,
                        Owen O’Brien, Mary Rose Waters.
Others:           Cllr. Kieran O’Hanlon & other residents of Dromroe.
                        Community Garda Tom Dilleen & collegue

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues arising from the first residents meeting, i.e. anti-social behaviour, handing over the estate from the developer Pat Keogh to Limerick City Council and to encourage community spirit.

Issues arising from:

1/         Anti-social behaviour:
The main areas for anti-social behaviour are: the wall at the end of the estate, the waste land at the end of the estate and the ESB box at the top of the estate. Garda Dilleen advised the meeting that there have been extra patrols in the area in the last few weeks. Although the situation has improved recently it has not been resolved.

The wall: remains partially removed. Work has been delayed as there is a pole which may have electric cables running beneath the wall and warrants further investigation between the builder Danny Mc Daid and the E.S.B. The developer has proposed rebuilding a four foot wall with a railing on top. The residents strongly object to this and request a higher wall as has been built at the end of the two previous avenues. Both of these walls are at least ten feet high. This issue will be discussed at an upcoming meeting with Pat Keogh.

The waste land: has become a gathering area for teenage drinking. This is a regular occurrence at weekends. Residents have seen teenagers buying slabs of beer at a local off licence and carrying them down the main Rhebogue Road, through Dromroe and onto the wasteland. Garda Dilleen has advised that any resident who witnesses underage drinking or teenagers with alcohol to contact Henry Street Garda Station immediately and give their exact location. He will also call to talk to the staff at the off licence in question. This area is not only an eyesore, it is also highly dangerous as it contains broken machinery and two old rusty containers. Cleaning up this area, taking away the fence and building a high wall around a green area will be discussed with the developer at an upcoming meeting.

The E.S.B. box: has been another favourite gathering spot, but recently, all is quiet. This issue will be monitored.

Wall at St Patrick’s GAA pitch: Cllr Kieran O’Hanlon will discuss putting a fence on top of this wall with St. Patrick’s, as this is being used as short cut through Dromroe.

The Neighbour hood watch scheme: was discussed. This involves taking the ‘nosy neighbour’ approach, i.e. looking out for any suspicious activity, taking the registration numbers of unknown vehicles in the area etc. Neighbourhood Watch signs and stickers will be distributed in the area shortly. These are a good deterrent against anti-social behaviour and break-ins. A pyramid system was also recommended, whereby if something untoward is seen by one neighbour, that person rings three people, they in turn ring three others and a large group can be formed very quickly to tackle the offenders.

Issues arising from:

2/         Handing over the estate from the developer to Limerick City Council:
            A snag list is to be completed and presented to the developer in order to ‘complete’ the estate. To avoid duplication residents are requested to only include issues surrounding their immediate property, i.e. broken lights, cracked pavements etc., and bring to the attention of the committee. More general issues are being dealt with by the committee. (Refer to minutes of 30th May, 2011)

Issues arising from:

3/         Fun day with Richmond Rugby club:
A meeting is to be held between the rugby club and the committees of the four estates in the Rhebogue area with regard to arranging a fun day for the whole community. The fun day will take place on an unconfirmed date in August and consist of novelty races for children up to the age of twelve years. In order to seek and arrange sponsorship for this event two treasurers are required, and will be selected at the next residents meeting to be held on 4th July, 2011.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Everest Hero Mark - Delighted to be Home

Record breaking Limerick man from Dromroe, Rhebogue, Mark Quinn, who at 27 became the youngest person in Ireland to conquer Mount Everest said it feels "amazing" to be back.
Mark was afforded a heroes welcome as he landed at Shannon Airport on Sunday night after a 16 hour plane journey taking in Kathmandu, Doha and London Heathrow.
The adventurer - who only started climbing two years ago - had spent six weeks in various camps on the way to the summit of the worlds highest mountain.
For a lot of this time, he had to wait at different campsites in the hope that conditions were appropriate for his group to climb to the peak, watching movies and reading books to pass the time.
But two weeks ago he reached the 30,000 foot peak of Mount Everest, where he placed a badge of the Shane Geoghegan Trust - which he hopes to raise 30,000 Euro for - as well as a flag celebrating Limerick's year as European City of Sport.
Speaking to the Limerick Chronicle after landing, Mark was overwhelmed by the welcome he received.  He will celebrate his achievement with a homecoming party this Saturday night.  "It feels amazing to be back.  A bunch of people were waiting at the airport for me, and it was great.  I have never experienced that before, and I don't think I ever will again really.  It was brilliant, absolutely brilliant," he said.
He said reaching the summit was a "very harrowing, but very rewarding experience".
The night before he made the final ascent, he admitted he was unable to sleep.  But he did not each much either to ensure the oxygen in his body was aiding his muscles, rather than processing food.
He said: "We ate very little the night before.  You need oxygen in your muscles, you cannot have it wasted processing food. We obviously didn't sleep the night before, so we were going up really tired, so it was absolutely the toughest thing we had done in our lives."
Mark, whose group comprised of seven other people, admitted when he reached the summit, he was too tired to feel elated.
"There was happiness obviously, but there was not this amazing elation 'top of the world' feeling.  Obviously taking pictures was a high priority.  Then we just took in the view, before preparing to come down, " he said.
Mark spent between 15 and 30 minutes at the peak before starting down the most treacherous part of his adventure - the decent.
Asked what he missed most while he was away, Mark said: "Friends and family would be top of my list.  But I also missed the good old Irish Breakfast! Everything about home really."
He has not yet decided whether he will scale any of the earths other mega-mountains.  "I will have a think about it and talk to my family over the next couple of weeks."
He paid tribute to his friends and colleagues who have been "tirelessly" working to raise funds, while as he put it "I was in a tent reading books."

To make a donation to the Shane Geoghegan Trust visit:

Source: Limerick Chronicle

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Residents Committee Meeting Minutes (30 May 2011)

Minutes of meeting between Dromroe Residents Committee and Cllr. Kieran O’Hanlon

Date:             30th May, 2011

Present:      Kieran O’Hanlon, Skip, Martina Higgins, Owen O’Brien, Tom Kelly, Kieran Fay, Mary Rose Waters.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the handing over the estate from the developer Pat Keogh to Limerick City Council and to encourage community spirit.

Issues dealing with handing over the estate:

1/         Meeting with the Limerick City Council 16th May, 2011:
Members of the committee met with members of the Council. The Council have no issues taking over the estate, as a completed estate. A snag list is to be finalised and given to the developer. Residents are requested to inspect the immediate area outside their houses and bring any issues arising to the attention of the committee for inclusion on the snag list.  Kieran O’Hanlon spoke to Pat Keogh on 30th May 2011. A meeting is to be scheduled between Pat Keogh and the residents committee.

2/         Wall dividing Dromroe and Drominbeg at end of estate:
Following an inspection of this wall by the residents committee, the developer and Limerick City Council Fire officer, the wall was deemed unsafe and has been partially removed. The developer has proposed rebuilding with a combination of block and railing. The residents committee will further discuss this issue with the developer at the proposed joint meeting.

3/         Fencing between Dromroe and ‘waste land’ at end of estate:
The conditions of the fence which should have been a temporary measure were raised and will be discussed with the developer.

4/         Waste land at end of estate:
The developer is considering a number of proposals for this area including a green area or a playground. The developer is considering seeking planning permission to construct further houses / apartments. The committee will raise this issue with the residents to determine their preferred options. It was discussed that a green area or a playground would encourage antisocial behaviour, and should planning permission be granted and construction not commenced, this sight could be left in it’s present derelict state.

5/         Place name at entrance of the estate:
It was discussed a name plate should be placed on one the arches at the entrance of the estate. Pat Keogh has agreed to do this.

6/         Numbering at each avenue:
It was proposed that the committee should discuss with Pat Keogh erecting a plaque at the entrance to each avenue showing the house numbers situated thereon.

7/         Management of the estate:
Following the handover of the estate to Limerick City Council, maintenance of the estate will become the responsibility of the residents. A grant is available to assist with maintenance costs. Prior to application for same it is a legal requirement to have two treasurers appointed. It was also proposed that a nominal fee would be requested from each residence on the estate.

Other issues discussed:

8/         Funday:
It was proposed that a funday be arranged for children of the area. It was
proposed that this could be organised between Richmond Rugby club and the all the residents of the Rhebogue area. Sponsorship for this event is to be sought by local businesses. 30th August 2011 is a possible date for this funday.

9/         Uses for the ‘Southall’:
As this premises is currently vacant and is in good repair it was offered to the committee as a venue for community events, proposals include Martial Arts, Scouts / girl guide meetings or any other uses that would further benefit the community. It was decided that this would be the venue for the next committee meeting.

10/       Ways to promote the estate:
It was suggested that a good way of promoting the estate would be to organise a welcome home party for Mark Quinn who recently reached the summit of Mount Everest. Mark is a resident of Dromroe.