Friday, 29 May 2015

Grass is Getting Cut in Dromroe - Thank you Maurice Quinlivan

Finally, the grass is getting cut in Dromroe with thanks to Cllr Maurice Quinlivan from Limerick Sinn Féin office.
The councillor brought this matter up with Limerick City Council and has been assured that Dromroe is on the Grass Cutting Schedule to be serviced within the next couple of weeks.

Thanks again to Maurice Quinlivan for arranging this.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Don't Give Dromroe a Bad Name!

Not sure if anyone else here agrees, but I was not too impressed with the recent mailshot from Willie O'Dea earlier this week.

Not only was it so generic as not to even recognise our individual estate, it could have been for anywhere, but it further was up for translation by any third party or non-resident as to the reputation of the estate by stating as much that Dromroe is a high crime area.
Such assumptions of the estate are not only unfair and unfounded, but also could be to the detriment of the housing values in the area.

Another point was to use this 'junk mail' as a Trojan Horse to obtain personal details possibly to be used during election campaigns and not at all for the reasons as stated in the letter.  How would he know for example that 'John Smith' with such and such mobile number, lives in Dromroe, if the letter had been circulated to all 3 estates?
It may be true that there are problems with undesireables and the like; but we need to keep it in proportion and face the issues as they arise.  Kids running up and down the street shouting and screaming on an early Sunday morning, or dogs barking at all hours of the night for example is not the same as attempted break-ins or muggings taking place in the estate (which, by the way is only used as an example).

I think we are lucky to be on the estate we live in.  We have a multitude of great people living here.  Much has been done in the past to try and rally the housing community of Dromroe together; some of which has succeeded and some not so much.  The Gardai and Neighbourhood Watch initiative as indicated by the letter has been tried before with no success.  The Gardai only put some stickers up.  Naturally this is only my view, and I am sure that there are people out there on the estate who are glad that Willie and Kieran are indeed taking an interest into the estate - however, I just hope that it is not a circus stunt to take numbers, give the area a bad name and once some stickers have gone up, Dromroe will be forgotten about again.  Perhaps we could get them first to think about cutting the grass??

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Dogs in Dromroe - Keep in or Keep Quiet

I am not sure if we are the only house on the estate who are awoken by the barking of dogs at such an early hour, but it would be thoughtful, respectful and oh wait, responsible for all dog owners on the estate to be aware of where their animals are and ensure that they are either kept in, or kept quiet.